
GCAG: Sunday 8/29 "Featured Artist" Kent Tallman

Date: Sunday, August 29, 2010
Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm

Come and meet Thomas Kent Tallman, the featured artist for today, Aug 29. Tallman is a self-taught artist who was born in West Virginia. He relocated with his family to the Southwest 14 years ago. His choice of mediums and artistic palette is quite diverse, spanning from surrealistic abstract subject matter to finely detailed realism. A most intriguing series that he is currently featuring on wooden cigar boxes is a tribute to the Southwestern tribes with an emphasis on the “Apache People”. For over 25 years the “First People’s Nations” have been articulated in
his drawings, oils, acrylic paintings and wooden creations.

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GCAG: Sun. 8/1 Featured Artist: Daria Tallman

Grant County Art Guild Daria Tallman, a native of Philadelphia, PA is an award winning jeweler/metalsmith, artist and designer for 30 years. Tallman’s mediums in art-jewelry span from mixed media drawings to aluminum anodizing. She promotes “Eco-friendly artistry” in many of her creative endeavors. View her jewelry at: www.zibbet.com/ethlecticwearableart Contact the artist/designer at: ecethletic1@yahoo.com.See More

GCAG: Sun. 8/1 Featured Artist Daria Tallman

Sunday at 10:00am

Historic Hearst Church Gallery in Pinos Altos